Get a peek into the Community

RADAR is a global community of people thinking about and building better futures.

Together, we’ve dreamt up and collaboratively published three crowdfunded reports into the future of culture, run public hackathon and education events for hundreds of people online, built an ideas platform which was recently awarded a grant of over $150k, and shared in the rewards — all in service of accelerating better futures, together. And we’re just getting started.

For too long, the future has seemed to belong to the few and the powerful. But we choose to believe there’s a different truth — simple and radical — hidden in plain sight: The future belongs to those who think about it. And in our view, that should include more, and we mean way more of the population than it does today. In fact, we believe it so much, we co-wrote a whole book about it (read our Field Guide to the Future).Thinking about and building better futures sound like your kinda thing? Consider joining our community of curious humans from around the world.

Apply to join


LoveFest is the culmination of RADAR’s three-month exploration into A Future in Love — a future where love isn’t just the end point of some mythical quest, but the guiding force behind how we live, care for each other, and shape our world. More than just a virtual event or a moment to look back, this is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the systems, stories, and practices that can make this vision real and join us in co-creating this better future.

  • 5+ hours of thought-provoking inspiration from visionary speakers, panelists, and RADAR's research team
  • 3+ hours of hands-on workshops, co-creation, embodied side quests, and moments for reflection
  • Lifelong access to all recordings & takeaways from sessions & side-quests
  • First access to A Future in Love research and $10,000 microgrant fund

14th November |



Futures we’re accelerating in multiplayer mode

Over 10 week sprints, we’ve brought together hundreds of contributors and collaborators to explore the edges of culture & envision what better futures can look like across 3 community-curated topics.

A Future in Sync

In a world that feels increasingly out of sorts, how might we find the solid ground of synchrony: with ourselves, one another, and the world around us?

Read the Report


A More Playful Future

Play. Whimsy. Mischief. What if these were the kinds of words that framed our approach to life, not just leisure?

Read the Report


A Centaur Future

At the convergence of human and machine lies Our Centaur Future, but what shape should that convergence take?

Read the Report



WorldBoarding is the collaborative way that we collage the future together. It's part of our larger WorldBuilding method of mixing signals, what-ifs, and imagination to make speculative futures feel more real.

View the boards


"We believe that better futures aren’t built in bubbles. And that the more committed and thoughtful brains, hands, and resources we can put behind a vision of a better future, the more likely we’ll all be to manifest — and benefit from — its fruition."

Multiplayer Futures – Towards an Emergence Economy

Read out Futures Manfiesto

The Curious Human's Field Guide to the Future

In this 88 page print edition, you'll find essays, activities, self-reflection, collective imagination, and tools for foresight that can be enjoyed by amateurs and pros alike. We hope that by adventuring through the pages, you’ll find something that stokes your imagination and makes the future part of your curious pursuits.

Get the Field Guide


It’s free to join our community.

What really?! Yes, but joining RADAR isn’t like signing up to a newsletter. The more we collectively give, the more we collectively get — so we ask that you contribute at least one hour each week to the community, however you feel called to do so. By joining the community, you’re agreeing to not extracting value without creating value in turn.

Here are a few things you can expect when joining: 

Upcoming Campfires

Cozy up to RADAR’s monthly Campfires, where we’ll immerse ourselves in a different future or futures-adjacent rabbit hole led by a different community member each and every month. Here’s what’s coming up


What constitutes a good use of time?

As our culture of hyperproductivity butts up against a desire to engage in slower, softer ways of living, it’s our perception of time that might take the biggest hit — begging a whole host of questions. What’s a good use of time? What’s a waste of time? Hell, what even is time? And how will all the many forces at play change how we think about it and relate to it into the future

Led by Agalia


What does the future of stuff look like in a post-consumer world?

Whether we want to or mean to or not, so much of our lives are bound up in stuff. Meaningful stuff that matters, frivolous stuff that clutters, and everything in between. As we reconsider the ‘consumer story’ and gravitate toward a post-consumer world in the face of a many-dimensional crisis, what becomes of the future of stuff? And what do such changes mean for our stuff-centric lives? 

Led by Grace


How might we find sanity (and that which we seek) in an age of information overwhelm & algorithmic anxiety?

Even an average consumer in today’s information ecosystem is likely to be overwhelmed, burnt out, mired in negativity and faced with a deluge of bad information. As curious observers of the world, we feel it tenfold — hindering our ability to stay hopeful and energized in our efforts to accelerate better futures, and clouding our ability to separate the wheat from the chaff. How might we help ourselves and each other stay sane, smart, unbiased, and empathetically curious? What might it mean to enter, or to offer, algorithmic therapy? And what kind of healing lies on the other side?

Led by Jonny


How might systems & societies change in a world where humans aren’t the main characters?

Our anthropocentric (and western-centric, and capitalistic, extractive, insert problematic adjective here) systems are no longer serving us — that much is clear. But the question of what might come next is a lot more muddy. Inspired and influenced by RADAR’s values and imaginative capacity, what alternative economic, political, and cultural frameworks might we envision? What new models might we explore and experiment with? And how will we feel about stepping out of their centers?

Led by Martina & Chris


Local Chapters

We believe ‘the future belongs to those who think about it’. Set into action, that means it’s our mission to inspire more people, and we mean waaaay more people to think about and build better futures. But not just more of the same: we’re talking about truly, deeply inclusive futures, which means bringing together perspectives from around the world and across every walk of life into the center of the stories we tell and futures we imagine.

So we’re setting up local chapters of RADAR that will empower members to meet, connect and grow together through everything from talks, workshops, and gallery trips to collective research and local collaborations.

We’ve already set up chapters in Copenhagen, London, Singapore, Toronto, Vancouver, NYC, Amsterdam, Mexico and counting...

Join or Host a Local Chapter

On Planting Better Futures

RADAR is built and owned by the community, from day one we've build our values around the futures we want to be part of and see. By joining the community you are committed to our values of...

Inclusive Futures

RADAR membership can never be bought; we take our application seriously — with the intention of cultivating a community that satisfies what’s called ‘the edge effect.’ This means we seek out diversity in the ecosystem, keeping our eyes out for those who will bring something special to our world, fortifying our collective with new, different, and critical perspectives. The same goes for our research and imagination practices, which are fueled by an intentional practice we call the Time Traveler’s Perspective, accounting for nuance across time and space. 

Multiplayer Mode

Better futures can’t be imagined, let alone built, by any one brain alone; they must be born of our common desires and a shared vision for what could lie ahead. It’s why everything we do, we do in multiplayer mode — connecting curious thinkers, makers, pathfinders, and groundbreakers at the level of shared story, so they can write the next chapter together.

Shared Ownership

We believe that sharing in social, emotional, and financial ownership is core to unlocking truly multiplayer futures, and we live that belief. Using our $SIGNAL token, we create a culture of gratitude and generosity while rewarding meaningful contributions and sharing ownership over RADAR’s future.

Decentralised & Autonomous

As members cross-pollinate, so many opportunities emerge for creativity, connection, and collaboration. Seeds of ideas are constantly sprouting in the server, and while RADAR itself can’t pursue them all, we encourage members to nurture them! We love and support a self-initiated project — it’s how the Field Guide was born — so if you’re interested in pursuing projects, profitable or otherwise, among friends, RADAR is the place.

What people say about RADAR

Sat in on my first @Radarxyz visioning town hall this am and all I can say is it’s a HUGE breath of fresh air to be among like minds & hearts innovating for the future in tangible & communal ways.

Freelance Brand & Biz Strategist for visionary founders & startups

RADAR's community is diverse and smart and an active experiment in sense-making at the edge of tomorrow that you can't help but pay attention to.

Alex Daish
Venture Designer. Founders Factory

While most reports focus on obvious trends and signals, RADAR approaches it from the fundamentals. Their deeper focus on humanity rather than technology is also sorely needed in a world where games have become so financialized.

Paul Gadi
CTO and co-founder, OP Games

RADAR allows me to participate in a hivemind of collective intelligence and soundboard emerging ideas. It's my favorite space on the internet.

Sarah Owen
Global Trends Director. Soon Futures

This is “proof-of-future” for headless trend forecasting, research and reporting by decentralised communities. @Radarxyz is like a more ambitious WGSN, born from #web3.

Chief of Staff, Aglet∙ Prev. Head of Console Gaming & VR, Amazon

RADAR re-situates you from a mere observer seeking to understand and capitalize on trends, to an equal an agent, a citizen, a builder, capable of contributing to and shaping the world we live in.

Andrea Chen
Planning Director. BBH


How much time does the community require?


In order to ensure we avoid extractive practices, we ask that members contribute at least one hour a week, creating value in the community in whatever way suits: that could mean sharing signals, contributing to products, attending events, or simply adding to the collective vibe.

Who is RADAR owned by?


RADAR is 100% community-owned, not an agency or tech company. We are completely independent to pursue futures we believe in, however RADAR does have a core team and many contributors committed to making it a success.

Will I find my way easily when I join?


When you first join, you’ll enter through an onboarding process where you’ll learn everything you need to know about the community and the server, and meet a welcome team who will help get you acquainted. The easiest way to get involved is to join one of our Campfire events or jump straight into the Signal Channels where you can build on other peoples’ shares or create your own conversation. If you’re still struggling to find your way, don’t worry you can book a call with one of the team and we’ll help you get settled!